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Earn Money from Chalk Making Business

Introduction to earn money from chalk making business in India

Chalk making is a cost-effective small-scale business, in developing county like India as chalk is essential for explaining in the classes on board in schools. Chalk is round in shape, a brittle stick that comes either white or in various colors. The initiates by the country for improving literacy and Government regulations for making primary education compulsory has elevated the demand for chalk and is expected to increase in the future. Apart from the use in school, chalks are also employed in the furniture market, tailor education institutes, construction work. So the market for chalk is widespread to different segments. Now, let’s see how we can earn money with chalk making business.

A step by step guide to earn money from chalk making business

So if you are initiating chalk making business, this post will guide you to obtain information and plan for chalk making business.

Potential of chalk making business to earn money

It is estimated that around 60% of educational organizations have been using the chalkboard for teaching which makes chalk avital stationary item in the educational segment. It is also a well-known fact that chalk is available at low cost than the present equipment used on boards. Thus, chalks have a great demand in the private segment throughout the year.

Licenses for chalk manufacturing business

For initiating chalk business it is essential to determine your organization’s ownership pattern and apply with ROC Registration of Company. You must also apply for a trade license and pan card for opening a bank account with your firm name. You may also have your firm as SSI Unit.

The BIS determination for chalk pastels is IS 2694-1963 which forms white school chalks and IS: 4222-14967 shaped hued chalks. It is better to obtain a NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Pollution Control Board.

Area or location for business

The proper area for any business is it should be nearby to the supposed market. A chalk-producing organization must be established in urban localities where we could find many schools and moreover it should be available to people who use chalk most of the time. One may buy land or take it for a lease at a low price. A Chalk-making business can be initiated as a small-scale business unit because it needs less space. We can start this at home or take a building as per the space required for the business operations on rental for a specific duration.

The raw material required for chalk making business

In chalk making business the vital element in the materials is Plaster of Paris, POP which is chemically famous as calcium carbonate. Other than this you must obtain China clay, lubricant, white cement, and different colors depending upon your requirements as in case you are interested in producing color chalk then must have different colors. Usually, chalk comes in small packs of cardboard paper box thus one must have the provision of this packaging material for arranging the generated chalks in packs for easy distribution and transport.

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Raw material required for chalk making.
The raw material required for chalk making.

Plaster of Paris: Famously called “POP,” which is the major raw material needed for chalk production. This material instantly forms a hard paste when mixed into water. This material is widely used in hospitals for molding casts around fractured bones apart from chalk industries.

Clean water: It is essentially required for mixing the constituents, the most significant entity in all manufacturing business.

Lubricant: Oil is employed as a lubricant during chalk production. It is basically mixed with kerosene, and then the mixture is used to line the inner faces of the mold to prevent the chalk from adhesion to the chalk mold.

Colors: Colors are needed as per your demand for colored chalk. Before beginning your chalk-making business, you must check out suppliers from where you will be collecting the raw materials at reduced charges. Try toarrange2-3 different suppliers for each ingredient as you the supplier could run out of service in some conditions.

Chalk making machine

There are different chalk-making machines that are obtainable in the market. You must select the proper one as per your desired production. There are two kinds of manually operated machines are available.

Aluminum metal chalk making machine

Gunmetal chalk making machine

You can also purchase an automatic chalk-making machine that comprises automatic features like powder mixing, feeding of material, water supply, and collection of the chalks from the machine after production. One can produce around 1,20,000 to 1,50,000 pieces of chalk every day by employing an automatic chalk-making machine. We must also get few more things for chalk making process like scrapers, dryers, paintbrushes, hand gloves, etc.

List of machinery and equipment

Chalk mold: This is the important mechanism that can be utilized for chalk production and is made up of either of any of the following materials such as plastic, rubber, or metal. However, most of them normally prefer a wooden edge, yet is chalk mold is made of metal. This form varies depending on the quantities and the openings present in chalk mold, where you can find 240 holes in some of them or may have more than 240 holes. The production of the chalk in less time with one mold majorly depends on the number of holes present in the mold.

Scrapper: Scrapper is a flat metal sheet that is used for scrapping the surface of the chalk mold.

Paintbrush: Paintbrush helps to apply lubricants on the chalk mold, (which will not allow the mixture to get stuck) before filling it up with raw material POP, so-called Plaster of Paris.

Dryer: A dryer is used to dry the chalk mixture after it has been removed from the chalk mold. A dryer is an electrical machine that is used as a part of huge scale creation. Make a note that for small-scale businesses, you can utilize the heat from the sun which is the perfect step to save cost.

Hand glove: Use the hand glove which protects your hands while mixing the water and POP or calcium carbonate.

Packaging materials: For packaging materials, you can use nylon or the branded cartoons, and a box is needed which attract customers.

Chalk manufacturing process

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Chalk making process.
Chalk-making process.
Step 1: Create chalk mixture

Take the main material, calcium carbonate (POP), and other additives like coloring agents or whitening agents and mix the entire material with water to make a uniform paste. A better quality mixture is needed to make brittle chalk for perfect writing, thus one must be careful while making the chalk mixture.

Step 2: Mold lubrication

It is very much important to have lubrication liquid application on mold, in order to avoid chalk from sticking to the surface of mold while removing the chalk from it. Lubricants like cooking oil could be used; groundnut oil and kerosene in a proportion of 1: 4, can also be used as a lubricant.

Step 3: Pour the mold

Pour the mixture of POP (Plaster of Paris) or calcium carbonate in the chalk mold now and keep it for solidification for around 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 4: Collect the chalks

Once the mixture is hardened, open the mold and remove the chalk from the mold, also make sure you take the extra material from the chalk.

Step 5: Keep it for drying

After you get the chalk from mold keep it in direct sunlight for drying approximately for 1 to 2 days.

Step 6: Packaging

Once the chalk-making process is accomplished, you must pack the chalk for distribution and transportation. The chalks can be packed in a carton box with your brand name and other details like a logo to attract the clients.

Cost to start chalk making business in India

It involves very little cost in preparing the chalks. The mold costs Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000. The raw material costs Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000. Total it costs Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 40,000 which is very little investment.

Profit margin in chalk making business

It costs only Rs. 90 for 1000 chalks. But you can sell them for Rs. 1 per chalk which means it gives you lots of profits from 60% to 90% profits. The main thing is that you need to make the customers by making attractive and colorful chalks.

Where to sell chalk

Once you have accomplished all kinds of plans for beginning the business, you musty analyze a perfect business sector and client base to offer your products.

Your potential market is an assorted enlightening entity like instructional exercise houses, pre fundamental, basic, and discretionary schools, and stationery shops, etc.

The places to sell the produced chalks are provided below-

  • Stationery shops
  • Schools
  • Colleges
  • Hardware shop
  • Industries
  • University

Conclusion of starting chalk making business

It is a very much profitable business with low investment and you can earn good money from the chalk-making business. 

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