Earn money from sheep farming: Sheep farming in India is one of the old-style occupations of some people of India and basically you can see it in Jammu and Kashmir. People of few areas are growing sheep as a domestic animal for managing their family nourishment demand and business purposes from ancient times. Sheep is a small-sized calm animal and grows fast. Around five million households in India are involved in the raising of small ruminants (goats, sheep, and rabbits) and other associated activities. With proper sheep farming business plan, it is very easy to earn money from sheep farming business in India.
A guide to earn money from sheep farming
Sheep are commonly located in arid zones having little rainfall and which are poor in farming purposes. The average wool yield of sheep is lower than one kg per head per year. As for mutton, the average weight of Indian sheep ranges from 25-30 kg.
Most of the sheep in India are raised in areas which are too stony, too dry, or too mountainous for other agricultural purposes or for raising cattle.
India has 65.069 million sheep according to 2012 livestock census and ranks sixth in the world. Sheep skin in the form of leather and leather products are also exported. Sheep makes a treasured contribution to the livelihood of the economically weaker sections of the society.
Financial assistance for sheep farming
Bank loan from NABARD can be obtained for initiating sheep farming. For getting bank loan, the farmers must apply to the nearby branch of a Co-operative, Commercial, Regional Rural Bank or small finance bank, in their area as per the application form that is available in the bank. The Technical officer or the Bank Manager can guide the farmers for making the project report to get bank loan. For sheep expansion schemes with very big outlays, thorough reports must be prepared. For high value plans, the applicants can operate the services of NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS) who are having extensive experience in making of Detailed Project Reports.
Scheme formulation
A scheme can be made by a recipient after consulting local official persons of State Animal Husbandry Department, Sheep Development Corporation, Sheep Co-operative society / federation / union / and commercial farmers. If possible, the beneficiaries should also visit progressive sheep farmers and government / agricultural university Sheep farms nearby and discuss the possible profit ratio of sheep farming. A proper practical training and knowledge in sheep farming is highly desirable. The sheep co-operative societies are well-known in the villages and are known as theSheep Development Department of State Government /Animal Husbandry/ Sheep Development Board will support for all facilities in particular marketing and wool and live animals.
How to start a sheep farming business?
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Step 1: Make a proper business plan
Irrespective of the size of the sheep farm, you should have an ideal business plan that is suitable for your business. And your sheep farming business plan should comprise the cost analysis, marketing ways, and income generation calculations.
Step 2: You need to identify a proper location
You must analyse and find out the best suitable place to initiate the business or a perfect place for sheep’s. If you already have a place of your own then it’s fine. Or else, you must identify and choose a location for establishing the farm. Usually, the place required is determined by the population of the livestock you want to have on farm and size of the farm.
Step 3: You should select quality breeds
It is always very essential to opt for quality breeds for more productivity. As per survey, you are suggested to obtain the quality breeds either through trusted breeders or responsible farmers. Basically, you can find many sheep breeds throughout the world. However, all those breeds are not appropriate for farming in all places. So, it is important to get the breeds as per the agro-climatic condition of your area.
Step 4: Know the top sheep breeds
- Bannur
- Bellary
- Dorset
- Suffolk
- Cheviot
- Deccani
- Cordially
- Montadale
- Hassan
Step 5: Build a sheep house
Building the right shelter is one of the essential segment while establishing the sheep farm. Generally, you should build a house that safeguards the sheep from extreme climatic situations.
Step 6: Must provide proper feeding
One of the crucial things to remember is the proper feeding for the good result which is determined based on age and gender. Good-quality hay or stored forage is anextremelyfruitful feed for your sheep farm.
Appraisal of the sheep farming project
The plan prepared on the above aspects should be submitted to the nearby branch of the bank for availing the capital to start the sheep farm. The bank next check thoroughly the project for its technical viability, financial viability and bankability.
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Sanction of bank loan and its disbursement
After a thorough verification and scrutiny about the financial viability and technical feasibility, the loan will be sanctioned by the bank. The loan is disbursed stepwise against formation of specific assets like purchase of equipment, construction of sheds, and animals.
Lending terms – general
Outlay:Expenditure of the project is based on the local circumstances, unit size and the investment constituents included in the plan. Prevailing market cost may be reflected to arrive at the outlay.
Margin Money: Margin depends on the type of the borrowers and may range from 10% to 25%.
Interest Rate: Banks are free to determine the rate of interest within overall RBI rules. However, for working out bankability and financial viability of model plan, the interest is expected at 12.00% p.a.
Security: Security will be according to RBI / NABARD rules issued from time to time.
Repayment of loan: The loan repayment is calculated on the basis of gross surplus produced in the project. Basically the repayment duration of loan is 6 to 8 yearsfor sheep farming.
Insurance: The animals and other assets like equipment, shedmust be insured.
Economics of Sheep Farming: A model for the financial aspects of sheep farming with a unit size of 100 sheep is given below. This is indicative and the applicable input and output costs and the parameters observed at the field level may be incorporated.
Profitable sheep farming business ideas
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Sheep farming is a cost-effective business than goat farming as sheep can achieve good weight within a small period of time. Sheep can be raised on a large scale or small scale for commercial purposes. Sheep farming plays an essential role in the livelihood of a major percentage of farmers and landless labourers. Several rural-based industries use sheepskins and wool as raw material. Sheep manure is a significant source of soil fertility also. Moreover, the production of meat, wool, and manure provides three diverse sources of income per year.
Frequently asked questions to earn money from sheep farming

The frequently asked questions for sheep farming business are listed below-
What is the process to start a sheep farming business?
You can start the business with minimum number of sheep and this will be doubled slowly. This will be an easy step to maintain.
What is the cost of sheep in India?
The sheep costs minimum of Rs. To 1.5 lakh this is also based on the type of the breed which they opt for.
Is sheep farming business is profitable?
The sheep farming business is profitable one as it involves fewer costs for feed as well as other expenses and the profit can be earned in two ways. In one way the earning is from wool, and the other one through meat.
What is the time period for a sheep to grow?
A lamb takes at least 4-6 months to grow.
What is the age of the sheep which can be considered as a fully grown?
At 6 months of age the sheep is considered as fully grown one. But remember that they are still called lamb until it attains 1 year.
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