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Earn With Google AdSense – A Beginners Guide

Earn with Google AdSense:

The following information is about Earn with Google AdSense account.

Introduction: Google AdSense is the one of the most popular ways to make money online. Google AdSense makes marketers to make money using websites, blogs, YouTube channel or an online property. In shortly Google AdSense is an advertising network from the top search engine company Google. Google AdSense offers a free service. AdSense has become popular for its easy using and implementation. AdSense pays the money in time without any scam.

In short, Google AdSense is a contextual ad marketing program which allows the wed publishers to run ads on our website or blogs and will pay the money when users or visitors clicks the ads. And for displaying ads on the website your website, you just need to embed a JavaScript provided by the platform of on your website or blog.

For working with AdSense, you don’t need to be a marketing genius to earn money with website. you just need a well-designed website with  good content and well-placed ads that can earn you good amount of money.

Earn With Google AdSense – Advantages: There are many advantages with Google AdSense:

  • No registration or joining fee in Google AdSense, you just need a web source like website, blog or YouTube channel.
  • There are no specific requirements, you can start earning from the day one itself.
  • Google AdSense provides customized Ad options that can be designed as per the website.
  • Google follows a monthly payment mode, it deposits money directly.
  • With one Google AdSense account, you can run ads on many websites.
  • Google AdSense provides facility to run ads on mobile and RDD feeds.

Disadvantages of Google AdSense:

  • Google AdSense is very strict on rules and has right to terminate the account at any instant if you violate the rules.
  • When the visitor on your website clicks the Ad, he will be redirected Ad website, leaving your wed page. Ad click can generate money, but the visitor leaves your website.
  • Money making depends upon the targeted traffic. More traffic, more money.
  • Google AdSense is a best way to earn money, but it is slow running, it’s not quick earning process.
  • Once your account is blocked, it’s very tough to regain.

How To Earn With Google AdSense Account:

The main requirement to earn AdSense account is you need to have an online resource, that can be a website, blog or YouTube channel or anything that is allowed by Google. Below are some places where you can create a web resource in a short span. You can start a website or blog for free or by spending less amount of money.

How to Earn With Google AdSense.
How to Earn With Google AdSense.

Earn With Google AdSense – BlogSpot (Creating a free blog):

This is a free blogging platform from Google, here you can create a blog in a very short span. This can be a best option for people who are new to making money online.  Some basic about BlogSpot:

  • Domain Name: Once you are decided to create a blog on BlogSpot, select an easy going domain name. the domain name will be
  • Select an Attractive Niche: Niche play key role in blogging. Post related articles in a unique and attractive way. Minimum number of words should be 400 with related images.
  • Design the Blog: While setting up the first blog, the BlogSpot platform will be offering some free templates, these templates are fine. But using some third part free templates will make your blog more professional.
  • Page: It is very important create About and Contact page. About page will show a great impact on blog traffic, even contact page is must. Pages are as important as the article and content.

Earn With Google AdSense – WordPress Blog (Create a blog in a professional way):

For creating blogs using Word Press, you should have prior experience of working online. In this web world, 25% of websites are powered by WordPress. It is the most perfect and recommended blogging platform. WordPress makes task of owning website and hosting easy with its user reliable operations.

Earn With Google AdSense – How to buy a domain and host your Word Press blog?

  • Bluehost is the official hosting service recommended by WordPress.
  • First step is to start a website or blog, Domain name refers as our online address.
  • Bluehost provides a free domain name, you can use if you have registered or existing domain name.
  • If our confused about you the domain name, there are many free services that help you to find a suitable domain name.
  • For purchasing domain name and web hosting, WordPress charges some money, the payment mode is via credit card, debit card or PayPal.
  • WordPress offers many web hosting packages, select a suitable package and a plan.
  • After purchasing the web hosting and the domain name, next is to set a password. And after that you will receive an account confirmation with login information of your web hosting account.
  • And the next is to log into web hosting panel. Go to the and go to login page and enter the domain name and password. This enters you into Bluehost Dashboard optimized with WordPress.
  • This concludes web hosting and domain purchase, now start posting articles and earn money.

Earn With Google AdSense – YouTube Channel:

This is also another better option get to get a Google AdSense account. This can be an interesting option for the people who are interested in creating or recording videos. This method can earn more money, compared to other online money-making options.

In this option of money making with Google AdSense, you should create a channel and upload a video.  Just log in to YouTube and create a channel, post the videos constantly for a few days.  And can earn money for uploaded videos.

Select the any of the above methods and create a web resource. Now you are ready to apply for an AdSense account. Now getting an AdSense account is tough approved, you should have commitment. Acquiring a Google AdSense account is not a quick process, you should be patient and work with dedication.

Earn With Google AdSense – How to Create a right type Website for Google AdSense:

  • the right type of website can earn you good amount money with Google AdSense. A Main feature to be noted to earn money with Google AdSense are good content and huge traffic.
  • When comes to the content of the website, there are two types of content. Some content attracts new visitors to web page daily, and some content will drag visitors daily. You should have both types of content, that brings new visitors and old visitors, make sure that the traffic you generate is loyal.  Sites that generate revenue with new and old users are Blog sites, News sites, Forums,  Social Networking sites and online tools listing sites.

Earn With Google AdSense – How to apply for Google AdSense Account?

  • For applying AdSense account, fill the application and wait for the approval.
  • Sign up to AdSense: Read complete AdSense policies to ensure that you are prepared to start your new account. Now Sign UP. Complete the online application and click to create the account.
  • Add some ads to your website: Review the available ads for your website. And research about the suitable ad types.
  • Wait for acceptance.
  • Google AdSense takes nearly 7 to 10 days for reviewing and getting approval.
  • It’s a bit hard for new publishers to get approved.

Google AdSense Account:

  • Once Google AdSense is approved. Now the next step is concentrating on increasing the traffic to the account.
  • And should get basic AdSense optimization techniques.

Earn With Google AdSense – Chances to increase Google AdSense approval: Follow to below rules to increase the acceptance percentage of Google AdSense.

  • the website should be set as per the AdSense guidelines.
  • Website or blog should have a good amount of content, website with little content can get rejected by Google AdSense. the website should have lots of content.
  • Should have unique and original content. Website with duplicate content can get rejected by Google AdSense.
  • the website should have several pages indexed by Google.
  • Place the test AdSense code on all web pages and make sure that ad units placed above the fold.

How to earn with Google AdSense?

You can make money off the ads if the visitor of our blog clicks the ads.  Earning money with AdSense depends on CPC, CTR and RPM.

  • CPM means cost per click, this means you can earn money if visitors of your website clicks. The amount of money you receive depends on the competition in your domain niche that decides the price. And the price changes time to time.
  • Ctr– Read through rate (Ctr) refers to the percentage of visitors clicking on the ads on the website.  Ctr depends on the controlled variables or tactics you use to increase the ad performance.
  • RPM means Revenue for 1000 impressions. Impression means the activity that is done on the website and server side whenever the ad is clicked. RPM can be computed by the estimated earnings by number of impressions and multiply the quotient by 1000.

The main important feature in earning money is by optimizing your ads for increasing performance and higher earnings.

Earn With Google AdSense – How much money can make with Google AdSense? 

the amount of money you earn with Google AdSense depends on:

  • Money making mainly depends on the traffic of your website.
  • Money making also depends upon the type of traffic.
  • Revenue also depends on the number of ads in your niche.
  • Google AdSense revenue also depends on the content of the website.
  • The placement of Ad units also plays major role in earning money with AdSense.

Earn With Google AdSense – AD options in Google AdSense:

Google AdSense provides different options that showcase on your website or blog. Below are some Ad options by Google AdSense.

  • Text Ads: these ads are sponsored links. These ads will appear as one or two lines of text format which includes the Ad title and address.
  • Display Ads: these are graphical ads, appear in graphic format. These ads have adjustable sizes for displaying, size can be chosen depending on the where you want to place ads on our webpage.
  • Rich Media Ads: these are ads in Html, flash or video format.
  • Animated Ads: these ads appear as dynamic images. To display these ads, you need to enable image ads.
  • Link Unit Ads: these ads will show a list of topics depending on the content of your website. Once the visitor click the ads, they will be redirected to a page of Google ads related topic. With these ads, you can earn money only if the visitor clicks on the ads after clicking on the list of topics.

Earn With Google AdSense – Here are some best performing Ad units:

  • 336/280 large rectangle.
  • 300/250 medium rectangle.
  • 728/90 leader board.
  • 300/600 half page.
  • 320/100 large banner on mobile.

Earn With Google AdSense – How to increase the Ad Performance:

  • To increase the Ad performance, identify the optimal places where to set ads on our web pages. This generates more clicks on your ads, and earn more money.
  • There are different option to optimize ads,
  • Placing the Ads” ABOVE the FOLD” : in this option, place the ads on part of the web page which is visible without scrolling down. Placing the ads on above fold, will make visitors difficult to ignore. But placing an ad at the top will push down the content downwards, and even Google has made a note that the website having heavy ads at the top of the website will get penalized. Make sure that the top of the web page should have content along with ads.
  • Color: Color of ads will determine the ad performance over time. Below are some approaches to color your ads that increases the ad performance.
    • Blend- ad looks in similar color with content of the web page. But there should be some delineation to distinguish between ads and content.
    • Contrast: this approach keeps ad stand out from the content of the webpage.
    • Complement: this approach helps to color the ad units with color present on your web page, without resembling the background and border colors.

So, edit the ad based on the above approaches and run them for a period. And check the with approach earns more money.

  • Increasing the Ad Performance by placing near Ctas: ctas means a call to action, this an instruction that web page asks the user to do, ctas can be buttoned, Forms or sharing tools. These actions will make force the user to do some action, like buttons – redirects the visitors to the new page, Forms- this makes users to fill some forms, or sharing tools- will help user to share information on social media websites.

So, in this placing near ad units near Ctas will grab sine light or makes user to catch the ads. This way can increase the ad performance.

  • Review the Ads placed on the Web Page: check the ad performance regularly. Note the best performing ads in every month. In case of low performing Ads, stop those ads and go for new formats and new placements.  Regular checking ad performance will maximize the revenue streams.
  • Select the WordPress theme: WordPress provides many themes,
  • Out of the Box Word Press theme: in this theme the ad display options are limited.
  • WordPress come in many varieties of themes, that has a flexible Ad display option. Getting a customized theme is the best option. A customized theme has many display options and can do a lot of testing.
  • Choose a premium theme that gives a good number of options to test the ads and optimize the ads on a monthly basis to increase the revenue.
  • SEO: SEO is the best process to boost up the traffic, implementing the SEO techniques will increase the ad revenue. Here are basic things to be concerned while doing SEO.
    • Check for Low Competition Keywords: Success of niche websites depends on keywords. Check for the proper keywords that rank on the top the search engines.
    • Content is the key feature: A great content will keep on the top of the Google chart. Google rewards sites that publishes actionable and long-form that grabs an audience by listing at the top of the searches.
    • Backlinks: Back links have a key role in off-page optimization. Off-page optimization are the necessary steps taken to improve the website search rankings. Backlinks refer to, incoming links to a web page. A page with many backlinks will rank higher on all search engines. So, you should be very creative with link building.

Earn With Google AdSense – How to Protect the AdSense Account from Getting Banned:

Google is very attentive at finding the users who are violating their rules.  Here some rules should be noticed to protect the account from getting banned.

  • Don’t ever click on your Ads: Google doesn’t count the ads clicked by the owner of the website. Not only the any of the owner an one of the family should not click the ad, is also leading to violation of rules.
  • Holding the Ad-click Contents: Holding the clicks is a form of begging for clicks, which leads to violation of Google rules. Running behind the visitor for clicking on the ads compromises your website.
  • Editing the code: If you to need changed in AdSense code, do it only on the AdSense platform. Manually editing the code can cause to increase ad performance leads to violation of rules.
  • Robot Read ads: Using robots or an automated tool to increase earning is illegal. Human-generated and trading clicks with other publishers are also prohibited.
  • Google only promotes the websites that publish the best content, the website with illegal and thin content are banned.

Earn With Google AdSense – Quick Tips:

  • Maximum Ad units: Google AdSense allows up to three standard ads per web page. So, take advantage of maximizing the ads.
  • Link Units: Up to three link units are allowed on a web page, maximizing the link units will boost up the income.
  • Give more attention to link units, link units have more potential to increase the income.
  • Custom Search Engine: Custom search engine will increase high RPM, this is another way to get more money.
  • Placement targeting: Placement targeting will the process of campaigning your website in an advertiser’s website. This property enabled by default.
  • Set up the custom channels make your road of earning easier.
  • Allow text and Images, permitting the text ads and using a deeper pool of ads will increase click rated and earning.
  • Placement of ads play a key role in increasing the click rate.

Earning Beside the Ads:

Along with the Ad Networks, they even many options to earn money. As the traffic increases and implement other money-making ideas along with ad networks.

Affiliate Marketing: Same as the ad networking, affiliate programming are also free to join and easy to add to our website or blog. Affiliate marketing includes the selling of some products or services. In affiliate marketing you have to promote the other products or services, whenever the visitor of your web page buy the product or service you are marketing, you will get paid.

Sponsorship: When you’re having good amount of traffic, some companies will pay to sponsor your website. With sponsorship you can earn more money.

There are many ways to earn money along with sponsorship, if you have a good amount of traffic and registered users.

There are many similar programs that offer same works as Google AdSense, but AdSense offers some extra benefits.

Benefits with Google AdSense:

  • AdSense a top marketing network from Google, there is no other company that is more trustworthy than Google.
  • AdSense gained popularity with its amazing ad options compared to similar programs like Infolinks and Adblade.
  • AdSense is a flexible program that can work with a wide range of platforms, and tools.

Earn With Google AdSense – Conclusion:

In Brief, Google AdSense encourages you to make good amount of money, but it is not a good option if you are looking for an instant or quick money. Once you start with a website or blog, work with dedication and love the niche of the website, present a unique and flawless content with complete information. This will help you drag lots of users and increase the traffic.

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