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Fruit Juice Making Business in India, Licensing

Introduction to fruit juice making business plan in India

Do you like to start a simple profitable business, then you can go ahead with a fruit juice processing business plan in India. Then you can go through this blog to get all the details about how to start the business, steps involved, raw materials required, investment, etc.

You can start with the fruit juice business with the specific product or if you can, it is better to establish all the multiple fruit juice business plans, but if you are planning to start with the multiple fruit juice making business but the investment will be higher than expected.

A step by step guide to fruit juice making business in India

Changing lifestyle and the increasing awareness about health have increased the demand for fresh fruit juice which is increasing day by day. The fruit juice processing business will provide you an excellent opportunity to earn good profits with low investment. You can also provide them according to the seasons.

Market potential of juice making business in India

Fruit juice making is the most fastest-growing business in the Indian market. The fruit juice market has grown up to 30% as per the analysis from the last 10 years which has valued Rs. 1100 crores now and expected to grow more than 15% in the coming years.

This rising demand for fruit juice making in urban areas is leading to an increase in the popularity of fresh fruit juice. The awareness of health and healthy food, diet, etc. made the people health conscious and therefore, they are looking for a healthy diet daily, and hence having the fruit juice is one of the best options for them. Fruit juice making business has gained great trust and is a value-added market. Therefore, it concluded with many small, medium, or large scale fruit juice production units and it has earned more profits.

Area required for a fruit juice business

Coming to the selection of the area for the fruit juice making business, you can make sure that the location must be easily accessible by the raw material supplier and also by the targeted market. The minimum area required to start the fruit juice processing business is around 1000 sq. ft.

Ensure that the area must have the facilities like water supply, drainage facility, and electricity facility and you need to divide the location into two different parts, where the part one is for manufacturing unit and another has to be used to store the raw material as the final product.

Licenses and registrations required for fruit juice making business

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License requires for fruit juice business.
The license requires for a fruit juice business.

Before starting fruit juice making business, you have to get the registrations and licenses required for fruit juice making business. You can follow the rules as per the state government law regarding the fruit juice making business in India. The registration and licenses required for the fruit juice production business are mentioned below.

List of licenses required to make fruit juices in India

Registration of firm: You might start the small to medium fruit juice making business either a proprietorship or partnership firm based on your interest. If you are willing to start this business as a Single Person Company, then you need to register your firm as a proprietorship.

For partnership registration, you have to get registered as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. a company with ROC – Registrar of Companies.

GST registration: For any business, you have to GST number as it is mandatory for all business after GST rule, the tax identification number, and insurance certificate.

Trade license: You have to obtain the trade license from the local authorities as per their rules.

Pollution certificate: You have to apply for no pollution certificate as the fruit juice making business produces only the fruit waste.

MSME/SSI registration: MSME/SSI registration will surely make you eligible for availing the government schemes and facilities, so if you are willing to get the government subsidies or schemes regarding the fruit juice making business. Then you need to apply for MSME/SSI registration.

EPI and ESI registrations: If you hire any employees then it is necessary to apply for these registrations.

Trademark: You need to register your brand name along with a trademark that will protect your brand.

FSSAI registration – Food Safety and Standard Authority of India: The fruit juice industry is categorized under food processing industry; therefore, you have to obtain the FSSAI license.

IEC code: In the future, if you want to expand your business by exporting your fruit juice product to other countries then you need to take IEC code which is mandatory for exporting the product in any business.

FPO act: It is mandatory to comply with the FPO act.

Raw materials required for a fruit juice business

The raw material required for your fruit juice business is the main task in fruit juice making business. In fruit juice processing there are different types of juices are available in the market. You have to choose the right raw material for juice making and it should include lots of nutrients with anti-oxidants.

The raw material majorly depends on the kind of fruit which you are going to select, as the raw materials are only the fresh fruits which are purely fresh items, and you need to ensure the regular supply. The quality of the juice depends on the raw material used in it; therefore, you need to ensure that the raw material supplied must be of good quality at a reasonable price.

Fruit juice processing equipment

While selecting the machinery for fruit juice processing business you have to consider a few points such as the capital investment, production capacity of your fruit juice making business unit. Three different types of machinery are available in the market, one is a manually operated machine, the second is the semi-automated machine, and finally, the third one is a fully automated machine. You need to choose the right machine according to your budget.

The machinery required for fruit juice making business

The list of machinery required includes – peeler, knives (stainless steel), cutting boards, juice extractor, thermometer, stainless steel saucepan, measuring cylinder, applying machine, strainers, inspection, washing, and sizing equipment. The rasper, juice extractor, finisher, pasteurizer, filling and sealing machine, cooling machine, labeler, centrifuge, vessels, boiler, and other laboratory equipment are necessary.

Fruit juice making process

The juice making process is not the same for every fruit juice making a business plan.

Fruit selection and preparation

Selection of the fresh fruit is a very important task in fruit juice manufacturing business because the quality of fruit juice mainly depends upon the fruits used in the processing of the raw material. In fruit selection and making, the fruit has to be collected and sorted cleanly, and then they have to be washed by rotary brush to remove the soil and other impurities on the fruits.

Juice extraction

Once the fruit is selected and washed, then you need to take the pulp before crushing, the pulping process breaks down the cell walls of the fruit that results in increasing the amount of juice extracted.

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Fruit Juice Extraction.
Fruit Juice Extraction.
Straining and filtration

After taking the pulp out of the fruit, then they are gone through the crushing process which will extract the juice and it contains some unnecessary wastage after removing the juice. To make you understand the juice extract is passed through a centrifuged process where the larger particles such as broken fruit tissue, various gums, pectin substances, seed, and skin, etc. to settle at the bottom. After removing the unnecessary particles the remaining juice is extracted out using the filtration process.

Cooling effect

When the fruit juice has passed through all the processes, it contains the heat and needs to pass through the quick cooling effect to avoid the burnt taste, this also helps to avoid the color change in the fruit juice.

Packing and storage

Packaging and storage play an important role in fruit juice business, the product is packed using a bottle filling machine to fill and pack the juice/syrup which increases the shelf life of the juice.

The next step is sealing and the final step in fruit juice making is labelling. You need to arrange the labels with proper product information and other bulk packaging for wholesale delivery. The fruit juice bottles are packed according to the size which you prefer to sell in the market if you want to deliver or acquire the packaging materials.

Different ways to sell the fruit juice in the local market

First, you need to tap the local market, it would be better to contact the nearby local market and retailers. You can ask them to promote your juice product by simply asking the people to taste and buy your fruit juice product.

Way to sell fruit juice in the wholesale market

It is better to plan to sell your product in the wholesale market in bulk amounts.

Make your product online

B2B websites: It is better to register your business on B2B websites like Alibaba, Indiamart, Tradeindia, Exportersindia, where you can sell the products online.

B2C websites: You can register your fruit juice making business on B2C websites like Amazon, Snapdeal, Bigbasket, Flipkart, where you can sell your product directly to the customer, in this way you can increase your business.

The export market for bottle fruit juice

After gaining popularity in the market you can also plan for exporting the fruit juice then it is advised to apply for ICE code which is a mandatory one for importing and exporting any product.

Conclusion of fruit making business in India

India has lot of scope for fruit juice consumption, and starting a fruit making business is profitable. You may also like Growing a Pomegranate Plant, Propagation, Care.


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