Introduction to make money from an egg hatchery business
An egg hatchery is a decent business to plan, but there are few things that you must know about beginning an egg hatchery business. It will be a challenge to gather the proper information about initiating an egg hatchery business. Those who are into the egg hatchery business already will have their trade secrets. Still, operating an egg hatchery entails much more information about how to care for chicks.
The first question that might pop in your mind is that what the requirement for the hatchery is when the hatching poultry eggs naturally done by poultry birds. But it required meeting the demand of the market. As the natural process is slow compared to the artificial egg hatchery.
You could also like to think through adding ducks, turkeys, and other types of birds in the egg hatchery as there is no rule that an egg hatchery has to be limited to chickens only unless this is just your choice.
Beginning an egg hatchery is a satisfying experience but it’s essential to plan out the business in a proper way before you start. Here is the perfect egg hatchery business plan to develop your start-up process.
This business idea is meant for the birds. You will know ‘how commercial hatcheries make income’ by selling chicks to local egg or poultry farmers.
If you have money and are in search of a profitable business to invest in, then you could begin an egg hatchery business as it is very profitable. Even if you are not having the expertise, it will not take too much time to get the information about it.
How to start and make money from an egg hatchery business
A small-scale egg hatchery is a profitable business to initiate. However, the business demands appropriate knowledge and skill. The object of explaining this blog is to pool information about ‘how to start a successful egg hatchery business’.
Chicken meat is one of the greatest popular animal proteins worldwide. Additionally, it is the fastest-growing segment of global meat production. Poultry production in the country has revealed a stable growth in the last two decades.
India is the third-largest egg producer next to China and the USA and stands as the fourth-largest chicken producer after China, Brazil, and the USA. Furthermore, there are abundant scopes for augmenting production. Production is getting more systematized and move ahead of consumption ensuing in the finest prices and with minimum profits. Compared with the other livestock sector, the poultry industry in India is well-organized and is developing towards modernization. Here is a business plan guide to start an egg hatchery business.
The market potential for an egg hatchery business to make money
In case if you miss this: How to Make Money from Meat Processing Business.

Poultry is today the chief source of meat in India. Its share in total meat consumption is about 28%, as against 14% in the past ten years. However, the major advance drivers are religious restrictions on beef and pork, high mutton prices, and the limited accessibility of fish outside coastal areas. Nowadays fish hatchery business is gaining much importance in the market.
Moreover, the growth of the poultry sector is based partly on the size of the poultry population and partly on productivity. So there is continuously a need for day one chick for layers and broilers. Additionally, poultry farmers always need quality birds.
Once you set up a reputation, they will become your recurring customers. Therefore, we can tell that a small-scale egg hatchery unit has an adequate market opportunity and good income potential.
Things to consider in starting an egg hatchery business to make huge money
Before opening the unit, analyze the local market. You must vend the chick foremost locally.
- Furthermore, the egg hatchery business needs a specific skill. If you are not having any previous experiences, then try to join training classes. You can approach your nearby Govt. offices of the animal husbandry department. Usually, they conduct classes for training from time to time.
- Pay extra care to source the standard and quality eggs. Because only from good quality eggs you can have quality chicks.
- You need to get the correct idea about the incubator temperature and humidity for chicken eggs or the different poultry eggs. As there will be a difference for different birds.
- Financial management has an excellent role in an egg hatchery operation. You must purchase the incubator which is very costly for this business and is the main portion of your investment.
- Finally, it is recommended to have a poultry hatchery project report well before starting.
Egg hatchery setup and machinery
Establishing a chicken hatchery layout or for any other hatchery, you need an adequate area for the operation. You must provide the housing for the one-day chicks. Moreover, you should have space for vaccinations, incubator operation, etc. Apart from that sufficient supply of water and power is also needed. An area of around 2000 sq. ft is sufficient for small-scale hatchery operations. Major machinery for the egg hatchery includes.
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- Automatic egg hatching machine
- Egg setter
- Electric egg tester
- Electric debeaking
- Egg weighing scale (1-100 gram cap.)
- Feeder, waterer, and brooder
- Misc. items like buckets, trays, baskets, etc.
- Weighing balance
- Generator
- Air conditioner
- Veterinary clinic instruments/equipment
- Refrigerator
Production of chicks from poultry egg hatchery
Generally, you can begin the poultry hatchery process in two ways, that is either using eggs or by one-day chicks. You will have the best result from the second option. You need to get a complete idea about the poultry hatchery layout.
Firstly, you must procure one-day-old parent stock chicks of better-quality species of broiler and layer. You must acquire from reliable dealers. Then transfer the chicks to poultry farms. You must provide a balanced diet to these birds based upon their age and variety till laying stage. After they lay eggs secure them and move to the hatchery section.
However, you should clean the eggs carefully to get rid of foreign matters. Later you need to check the eggs for their appropriateness for hatching. You must separate the eggs having cracked shells and unfertile eggs.
Then store the eggs in an air-conditioned room to bring down to a suitable temperature. Then place the conditioned eggs into setter incubators and then incubate them for 18 days. You should maintain a temperature of 99.9ºF and relative humidity of 82% in the setter incubators.
At the end of the 18th day, you must transfer the eggs to holder incubators. There it is important to maintain a temperature of 98.9ºF and relative humidity of 87% and incubate for around 3 days.
At the end of 21 days, chicks come out after breaking eggshells. You should remove the eggshell and membranes. Then you should check each chick for its sex and segregate. Now you should provide vaccines and medicines to every chick. Now your chicks are then ready for sale.
Quality specification for poultry egg hatchery
You must produce the day-one chicks as per the customer requirements. However, the Bureau of Indian Standards has placed down specifications for day-old chicks (layer/broiler) under the following ISI Specification: IS: 9800:1981.
Investment or the cost to start an egg hatchery business in India
In the egg hatchery business cost, the main cost includes for the incubator. It is better to start the business on a small scale. The cost of an automatic egg incubator is Rs. 80,000 for 500 eggs. The rest costs will be for setting up and getting the eggs, etc. So, you need to have at least Rs. 5,00,00 to start small-scale egg hatchery business in India.
How to make egg hatchery business a profitable one
A revenue-wise egg hatchery is a very money-making business. It has well prospective for expansion too. However, proper organization and steady caring play a significant role in having long-term success in the egg hatchery business.
You may also check the 1000 Broiler Chicken Farming Project Model Report.
Kindly provide me project report for hatchery business
This is so helpful.
I’m really grateful.
this is good information but please provide me project report of egg hatchery. please.
We do that soon!
Am very grateful with this guidelines please kindly provide me with project report of egg hatchery
Plz l am Nigeria.. please how much is the price of the 500 capacity… thanks for your response please.