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Matchstick Manufacturing Business information

Matchstick Manufacturing Business:

Introduction: Matchstick Manufacturing unit is a profitable small-scale business. Matchstick manufacturing unit should be maintained with strict safety measures. Matchsticks are a needy household product that has good demand. A match is a small stick of wood or strip of cardboard with a solidified mixture of flammable chemical deposited on one end. When the flammable end stuck on a rough surface, a friction is generating heat to ignite the chemical and produce a flame. Some matches are strike-anywhere matches and some are safety matches. Strike anywhere matches may be ignited by striking on any rough surface, and safety matches will ignite only when they are stuck on a special rough surface made with chemicals.

Matchstick business is done on both large scale and small scale depending on finance, business structure, and purpose. These manufacturing units need to maintain a high level of safety protocols and follow government guidelines.

There is a huge demand for the matchsticks, even though there is tough competition from hand lighters they are still desirable. Due to the huge demand in the market this manufacturing unit generates huge profits.

To start this manufacturing unit you need moderate funding, précised location, quality equipment and all the recommended licenses. Selecting location to start the manufacturing unit very crucial step. Matchstick making deals with hazardous and explosive items. So the place you select should be an industrial zone. If not, you should get no objection certificate from where you are establishing the unit.

Matchstick Manufacturing Unit business plan:

Prepare a comprehensive business plan for matchstick manufacturing business. Determine your business objective and selling strategy. You should have a perfect customized project report in your hand. It will give exact information about the capital investment, machinery, raw materials needed and where to source.

Matches are sold in bulk. Matches are made of wood, packed in boxes. Matches are clustered in rows stapled into matchboxes. Matches is a basic household item, used for lighting gas stoves, puja purposes and even in every industrial establishment. So matchstick manufacturing has a good market and very profitable.

Investment Required for Matchstick manufacturing:

Investment in matchstick manufacturing is high. Purchasing machinery, staff wages, unit rent need a huge amount of money. Your business plan will give you the approximate amount, how much you need to start your business. You can go for a loan from banks or other financial institutions. You can approach target investors or apply for small business grants or loans.

Search for the Perfect location for Matchstick Manufacturing Business:

You should search for a précised location to start your business. It is best to choose the location that is close to potential customer and distributors. Buying a space to set up the manufacturing unit on own has its own advantages, but it is usually recommended to lease property initially and then consider buying later.

Raw Materials Required for Matchstick Manufacturing Business:

Matchstick manufacturing needs wood as a main raw material. Other necessary raw materials are potassium chlorate, phosphorous, sesquisulfide, glass powder, zinc oxide, glue, color dye etc. And for matchstick packing, you need to have matchbox and outer box for packaging. Search for the reliable vendors to offer you a reasonable price.

Search for Raw Material suppliers:

Wood is the main raw material used, you also need chemicals for processing and flaming, and paper boards for inner and outer packing boxes. Aspen, poplar, and pine are types of wood that are usually used in making match splints. You need to select one type of your manufacturing unit.

Find the best suppliers that give raw material at a reasonable price and best quality and make sure that they will be able to maintain a steady supply of the materials.

Machinery and Equipment in Matchstick Manufacturing Business:

Most of the operations in making matches are done on machines, so you need to purchase machines that are needed. Even there is an option to take machines for lease.

Matchstick making is a semi-automatic process. Previously matchstick is completely made manually, but nowadays different types of machinery are available for producing matchstick. It is recommended to take training from the suppliers. Check their client testimonials before purchase machines. You can divide machinery into match making machinery, box making machinery, splint making machinery. Get the debarking machine, peeler, veneer, chopper, dryer. And you also need blower, storage area box making equipment and polishing machine.

  • Box closing machinery.
  • Box filling machinery.
  • High-speed dipping equipment.
  • Splint veneer.
  • Peeling.
  • Splint chopping.
  • Splint making.
  • Splint spray.
  • Packaging machinery.
  • Boiler.
  • Head compositions machinery.
  • Air compressor.
  • Log conveyor and so on.

And these machines should be assisted by additional employees to work. Each machine should be handled by one or two individuals. So, you require at least 10 to 20 staff to work. 

Licenses and Registration for Matchstick Manufacturing business:

  • First, find out completer legal pattern for this manufacturing unit.
  • Get the legal permit to establish the plant.
  • You need to obtain ‘consent of establish’ and ‘consent to operate’ permission from the pollution control board.
  • Get no objection certificate from the fire department.
  • Factory license from the Government.
  • Follow all the safety precautions and fire safety measures.
  • Obtain sales tax registration from Govt.authority.
  • Register company as a limited liability company.
  • Find out the permits and certifications you need in your country.

Process in Matchstick Manufacturing Business:

Stripped wood logs are cut, peeled and made into a sheet of wood. This veneer sheet is chopped into matchsticks and processed with dilute ammonium phosphate. Now matchsticks are dried, polishes cleaned using crystallized chemicals. Now head of the matchstick is dumped into feed hoppers then dipped in hot paraffin wax. Once dried the sticks are immersed in the liquid solution. Then another solution is applied to the tip of the match. The matchsticks dried slowly for burning properly.

Steps involved in Matchstick Manufacturing Business:

  • Cutting matchsticks.
  • Treating the matchsticks.
  • Forming matchsticks.

Packing Matchsticks in Matchstick Manufacturing Business:

  • Cardboard inner and outer portions of the matchboxes are cut, printed, folded, and attached together with gum in a separate area. To pack safety matchsticks one side of the box should have chemical for striking strip are mixed with an adhesive and are automatically applied to the outer portion of the box.
  • Matches are moves to packing using machines, once matches are dried and moved to the packaging area. Multi-toothed wheels push the finished matches out of the holes in the belt.
  • The matches fall into hoppers, hoppers measure the number of matches for each box. The matches are dumped from the hoppers into the inner portions of the cardboard match boxes, which moves along another conveyor belt located below the hoppers. More 10 boxes are filled at a time.
  • Matchboxes are moved by conveyor belt to a machine, which groups them and places them in a corrugated cardboard box for shipping.

Quality Inspection in Matchstick Manufacturing Business:

Chemicals proportion of the match head is weighed and measures exactly to avoid variation in the match composition that might affect performance. Matches should be monitored constantly, should follow quality control procedures. Match production should follow strict safety measures.

Marketing Strategy to be implemented in Matchstick Manufacturing Business:

Matchsticks need good branding to get into the market. The only difference between matchbox companies is box branding. Matchsticks are sold in huge volumes. The success of this business depends on the strong channel network. First, start selling locally, search for channel partners that can give you big deals. Sell your products to wholesalers or retailers in your area. Open outlets near supermarkets, departmental stores, and grocery stores. Ensure the availability of your product at every retail store in the area you are doing business.

Matchstick manufacturing is more based on quality and packaging of your product. Establish business tie-up with retail brands.

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Read here about Polyhouse Production.