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Amla Powder Project Report, Business Plan

Introduction to Amla Powder Project Report, Manufacturing Business Plan: Amla is a very essential herbal product in India and it has been accommodating several herbal farms that are powered by the Indian herbal market since they are growing at a rapid pace. Amla finds its applications in food products, Cosmetics industries, and Ayurvedic medicines. Amla juice is also obtained from Amla that is obtained from the Amla fruits and proven product for the treatment of health issues. Amla powder is one of the major ingredients used by the herbal and cosmetic industry. Amla powder is obtained by the whole fruit is first dried and then pulverized to get the powdered form. Some of the additional products from Amla are Amla candy and Amla supari. In this article, we will check out the Amla powder business plan that can be initiated from home.

A guide to Amla Powder Project Report, Manufacturing Business Plan

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Amla Powder

Uses of an Amla powder: Amla is having a good quantity of antioxidants that aid as a defensive mechanism against fighting radicals in humans. It decreases cell damage and even lessens the risk of cancer.

Therefore, Amla powder is an ancient medicine that is mainly used for skin treatment. One can keep their skin hydrated by applying the Amla mask.

  • The presence of high fiber content in Amla powder is advantageous for the digestive system.
  • The consumption of Amla is almost regularly seen by several people. This is mainly to keep their skin look young and prevents early aging.
  • The Amla powder when consumed along with honey is a great purifier for the body.
  • Diabetes patients consume the Amla powder to regulate their glucose levels.
  • Amla powder is outstanding care for hair fall. We can see numerous varieties of Amla oils in the stores. They can clear the hair-related issues such as hair fall problems, dandruff risks, and even promote hair growth, reduce hair greying, etc.
  • Mental health issues such as depression, insomnia, and anxiety disorders are also seen to be recovered with Amla powder.
  • Amla powder is also helpful for treating burning sensations in the eyes and weak eyesight issues to some extent.

Business plan for starting an Amla Powder Manufacturing Business

The Amla processing project report should include a well-crafted business plan. The project report includes the essential aspect of the business such as financial necessities, market analysis, unit and machinery, and raw materials. One can approach some of the popular Amla production manufacturers and get some vital information for the business.

To start the Amla powder processing unit it is necessary to get the costings in detail. It is evident fact that Amla herbal products do have huge demand. It can prove to gain profits when the arranged business is properly set up and comprises the below segments.

A thorough analysis of the market potential of Amla powder in close by areas, grocery stores, and some sort of pilot surveys through consumers is essential before you start.

Look for financial support for the Amla powder production business.

The important stage is registration of the business and getting permission.

Promotion and marketing of the new brand are even as important as the procurement of raw material.

  • Basis and presumptions of Amla Powder Manufacturing Business
  • Implementation schedule
  • List of approvals required to start Amla Powder Manufacturing Business
  • Raw materials required for Amla Powder Manufacturing Business
  • List of machinery and equipment for extracting Amla Powder
  • Manufacturing process of Amla Powder
  • Project economics of Amla Powder Manufacturing Business

Basis and Presumptions of Amla Powder Manufacturing Business

The Project Profile relies on the following assessments:

  • Working hours/shift: 8 hrs.
  • No. of shift/day:1
  • Working days: 300
  • Labor expenses: According to State Government’s Minimum Wages Act.
  • Rate of interest: 15% per annum
  • Costs of machinery and equipment: Taken based on A particular dealer
  • Value of raw material: As per local market Packing material/others rate (on wholesale rate)
  • Land: owned
  • Building Construction charge: About Rs. 2000 per sq. ft.
  • Break-even point will be estimated on a full capacity utilization basis
  • Pay-back time is 7 years

Implementation schedule of Amla Powder Manufacturing Business

The project implementation schedule

  • Project preparation: 0-1 month
  • Location selection, acquisition of 1-2 months land and land development
  • Loan Sanction: 1-3 months
  • Building construction: 3-4 months
  • Connection of electric supply and water: 4-5 months
  • Obtaining machinery: 5-6 months
  • Electrification & installation:  6-7 months
  • Recruitment of staff and workers: 7-8 months
  • Trial run can be initiated in 8-10 months
  • Commercial production could start from 10-11 months

Registration, license, and permissions required for starting Amla Powder Manufacturing Business

The below list of licenses is necessary before starting the Amla Powder Making Business in India

  • Firm Registration
  • GST registration which is mandatory
  • Trade license for operations
  • Pollution certificate from State PCB
  • MSME/SSI registration
  • EPI and ESI registrations
  • Trademark to register your brand
  • FSSAI registration
  • IEC code if opted for exporting

Market potential of Amla Powder Manufacturing Business

Amla extract (components) are used in several foods and beverages like yogurts, nutritional bars, jams, powder drink mixes, cereals, and dietary complements. The growing global nutraceuticals and functional food processing units are the main powering factors that are causing the increased scope of Amla extract as a food ingredient in the market. Amla extracts also aid to protect skin from heavy metals because of their anti-oxidant characteristics. Thus, the market for Amla extract is anticipated to increase at a healthy CAGR in the coming near future

List of machinery required for starting an Amla Powder Manufacturing Business

The list of plant and machinery:

  • Dryer
  • Filtration
  • Mixing cooker
  • Pulping
  • Filling and packaging

The manufacturing process of an Amla Powder

In case if you miss this: Sandalwood Oil Manufacturing Project Report.

Amla Fruit
Amla Fruit (Image source: pixabay)

The fresh Amla fruits are cleaned by washing them thoroughly which will aid in the elimination of unwanted material, dirt, dust, or other particles. The properly washed and cleaned Amla fruits are sliced into pieces in particular machines. The Amla is will be dried with dryers. The dried Amla is now sent to get pulverized and is then finally transformed into powder. The end product Amla powder is now ready to be packed and dispatched to the market.

Amla Powder Project Report/Economics of Amla Powder Manufacturing Business in India

Fixed Capital

i) Land and Building   

Land Owned

Building 2000sqft @Rs.2000 per Sq. ft: Rs. 4,00,000

Over Head Tank: Rs. 40,000

Total: Rs. 4,40,000

ii) Machinery and Equipment

Cabinet-type hot air drier with blower, motor, and other accessories: Rs. 1,85,000

Disintegrator 12″ size with 10HP motor and accessories: Rs. 1,05,000

Vibratory sifting machine fitted with GI wire mesh and 2 Hp motor: Rs. 50,000

Aluminium Trays 10 nos: Rs. 15,000

Platform weighing Balance: Rs. 10,000

Polythene sealing machine 2 nos: Rs. 5,000

Other misc items like scrapping knives, trolleys etc.: Rs. 10,000

Working tables: Rs. 20,000

Lab testing equipments: Rs. 20,000

Electrification and installation: Rs. 50,000

Essential Office furniture: Rs. 25,000

Total: Rs. 4,95,000

iii) Pre Operative Expenses: Rs. 25,000

Total Fixed Capital (i+ii+iii): Rs. 9,60,000.

Working Capital

i) Raw Materials

Amla with husk 75000nos 2 Rs 10: Rs. 7,50,000

Polythene bags 75 kg @ Rs120 per bag: Rs. 9,000

Plywood Boxes of 25kg capacity 300nos @ Rs.100 per box: Rs. 30,000

Labels, gums and other packing aids L.S: Rs. 10,000

Total: Rs. 7,99,000

ii) Salaries and Wages

Manager cum Food technologist 1: Rs. 20,000

Sales man: Rs. 10,000

Skilled workers-2: Rs. 30,000

Helpers 10 nos: Rs. 50,000

Total: Rs. 1,10,000

iii) Utilities: Rs. 11,300

iv) Other Contingencies: Rs. 13,700

Total working capital (i+ii+iii+iv): Rs. 9,34,000.

Total Capital Investment

a) Fixed Capital: Rs. 9,60,000

b) working Capital: Rs. 9,34,000

Total: Rs. 18,94,000

Source of Fund

Term loan: Rs. 7,20,000

working Capital Loan: Rs. 7,00,500

Own fund: Rs. 4,73,500

Total: Rs. 18,94,000

Total loan amount required: Rs. 14,20,500.

Cost of production

Total recurring expenditure: Rs. 9,34,000

Depreciation on Building and tank @5%: Rs. 1,833

Depreciation on machinery and equipment @10%: Rs. 2,917

Depreciation on hand tools@15%): Rs. 438

Depreciation on Office equipments@20%: Rs. 1,000

Interest on loan (15%): Rs. 17756

Total production cost: Rs. 9,57,944

Say: Rs. 9,58,000.

Turnover per month

Profit in Amla Powder Manufacturing Business
Profit in Amla Powder Manufacturing Business (pic credit: pixabay)

Desiccated Amla 7.5 Tone @ Rs.130000 per ton): Rs. 9,75,000

Amla shell 2 MT @35000per mt: Rs. 70,000

Amla husk 75000 nos @ 40ps: Rs. 30,000

Total: Rs. 10,75,000

Net profit per month: Rs. 1,17,000

Annual profit without tax: Rs. 14,04,000.

Break-Even Point Analysis

1) Fixed Cost

Depreciation: Rs. 6,188

Interest: Rs. 17,756

40% of salary and wages: Rs. 44,000

40% 0f other expenses: Rs. 5,480

Total: Rs. 73,424

2) Net profit: Rs. 1,17,000

B.E.P = Fixed Cost x 100 / (Fixed Cost + Net profit) = 38.56%.


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