Introduction to make money with agro-farming blogging
What is Agro-Farming?
Agro farming means cultivation of plants without using pesticides, chemicals and by using manure or vermi compost which is made from animal wastage, plants wastage.
If you are an agriculture student like agriculture engineer, dairy technology or a degree student of science related to agriculture then you will be having more knowledge related to farming like how farming is done, what should you do to increase yield of the product as you already studied in your graduation or if you are a farmer with good internet knowledge then you can create blogs and write content related to Agro- farming. Now, let us see the ways to make money with agro-farming.
A step by step guide to make money with agro-farming blog
Generally, people make money by blogging through affiliate marketing, Ad networks, selling your own products through blog, selling e books, etc. If you are making a blog related to agro based farming you will have an additional advantage like you can sell products online if you make some products related to farming.
Many experiments and researches are done in agriculture to get high yield of the crop without using pesticides and many hybrid plants are experimentedto get new fruits or vegetables or change in colours of the flowers, etc. You can tell about these techniques in detail about how to grow a new variety product with grafting techniques.
Monetize with CPM or CPC
Mainly every blogger earns money through monetizing with ads on their website or blog. CPM means cost per impression that might be people who visit ads or sees it. CPC means cost per click, it means if any visitors of your blog visit the advertising by clicking it, then you will be paid. You will see banners or the advertisements on the blog which will refer you to other sites.
If you are an Agro farming blogger, then you can write blogs on modern agriculture and also about new grafting techniques and you can write your research topics what you are highly interested in and have done projects regarding it.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing means selling other company products online on which you will get some commission based on the product and the website. There are many affiliate marketing websites in the internet like amazon, eBay, Shopify, click bank, etc. in those choose any one good websites and create an account in it and share the links of the products you want to sell in the blog or website where you write content.
In case if you miss this: Earn Money from Country Chicken Farming.
You can share the link of the product what you explain about in your blog, which is new to market and it should be useful to agro farmers. Your content should be in such a way that viewer of the blog should definitely purchase it.
Get Sponsored to review a company product
Yearly many seeds companies are coming into market, some of them are good with more crop yield, some are duplicate companies which don’t even generates plant growth. If you have knowledge about it, you can give review of the company by testing those seeds whether they are good or bad. So, if you have more audience to your blog, then sponsors will only come to you to explain about their product in you blog if they think it is good to farmer as well as society.
Similarly, not only about seeds any agricultural products which are new to the market and which are useful to the farmer. Products may agricultural tools, irrigation system related products,machinery which are related to agriculture and many more.
Many innovations take place in Agricultural industry that may simplifying the old machinery or creating new products based on the usage in the farm which affects time consuming to do some work. You can also make a review on their innovation product; they might also be sponsoring you if you are big blogger and your blog has huge audience.
Sell your Own Products
If you are a manufacturer of some products and also if you have a blog with huge traffic then you can sell your Own manufactured products online, you don’t need any marketing separately for this kind of selling, before selling you need to create huge number of audience to your page.
As the blog you write is of agro farming, the visitors of this blog will also be related to farming or they might be interested in farming. If you manufacture and sell products related to Agriculture, then you can easily sell to the visitors of this website.
Sell your e-Books
If you have interest to write books based on some research and your knowledge about agriculture and also dairy technology or other grafting techniques, then you can write book in format of e-book. And you can publish those books in your blog or website for money. If anyone wants to download your book after checking sample of the book, then they will buy that book for money you charge for that book. You can charge anything your wish for that book because you are the author of it. If the price of the less, many people will buy it. If the cost is more, buyers of the book will be less if you are not a well-known writer.
Initially if you are a new author, you should also sell books for very less costs and also for free sometimes to gain audiences, and after gaining audience who likes your books, you can charge for books.
Consulting Services
If you have high knowledge in agriculture in each and every crop yield, crop diseases and also about cattle, dairy technology then you can share your knowledge with others by consulting services by charging them some fee. Farmers usually have many doubts and they don’t know whom should they ask doubts and you can catch this opportunity for making money.
By running a blog of agro-farming, you can be connected with farmers and tell them that you will be consulting farmers if they have any doubts regarding farming. So that they will be knowing about yourself.
Mainly the farmers will be having doubts about what should they cultivate this year considering all the climatic conditions of that year.
Conduct Training Programmes
You should not miss the Make Money from Vermicomposting Business.

You can educate farmers with new concepts of agriculture with training program. So, if you run a blog related to agriculture, then you can conduct training programmes for farmers for 2 days on how to grow plants without pesticides and also about how to make vermicompost at home and many other topics. You can charge them for training those programmes.
You can make and sell vermicompost through your blog for the visitors. If anyone interested to buy it, they will be contacting you and you can deliver to them. You should be creating contents related to vermicompost if you want sell it, like what are the advantages of vermicompost and how it is used and at that content create your link which will redirect viewer to buy it.
Conclusion to make money with agro-farming blogging
It is very easy to make money with agro-farming blogging, if you have a good business plan. You may also like the Agri Farming Blog.
I need to build my online money through blogging