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Dairy Farm Income Per Month in India: For 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 Buffaloes

Investors should note that the dairy farming industry is showing signs of being profitable. It takes much work, time, and essential resources to run a dairy farm. These are accompanied by many other activities, such as keeping the farm clean, caring for the sheds, feeding the cattle, and even bathing and milking the animals. Let’s figure out where to begin with one.

Dairy Farm Income Per Month in India
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Dairy farm income per month in India

Is the dairy farm business profitable in India?

In the right hands, milk production may be a lucrative enterprise. The feed cost for buffaloes is the primary variable expense for a dairy farm. Farmers can use part of their property to grow feed for their livestock. Considering the abundance of free buffalo dung manure and fertilizer, the additional expense of growing green fodder is minimal. A plentiful source of biogas is the plentiful buffalo manure. A modest biogas plant you construct can provide the farm’s complete energy needs. So, the total expense of maintaining the farm is reduced.

What are the benefits of starting a dairy farming business in India?

The year-round popularity of milk and dairy products ensures a constant strong demand. Market activity is at an all-time high. In India, milk is a staple food, and it is impossible to meet the demand for it with any other commodity. Milk is in high demand not just in homes but also in cafes, bakeries, and factories of various sizes. In India, dairy farming does not require highly qualified workers. This results in relatively minimal labor costs for the company. The milk industry uses sustainable methods that don’t hurt the planet.

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Buffalo Breeding
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Spending much money to follow environmental requirements is optional. Animal dung may be processed in Biogas facilities to generate natural gas and then utilized as an organic fertilizer for farming and animal feed. In India, the demand for milk and dairy products skyrockets around festivals. As a result, you may increase your profits during periods when the market is very volatile. Livestock, or animals, are the primary commodity. The cost of treating sick animals, should it become necessary, may be covered by purchasing insurance for them.

What are the disadvantages of starting a dairy farm business in India?

The quality and breed of the cattle are crucial to the success and profitability of the milk industry. There are several factors to consider when deciding which breed of cows or buffaloes would be best for your business and would yield the amount of milk you need.

When the cows/buffaloes aren’t producing milk, you still have to pay for their care, which cuts your profits. Reduced milk output and costly financial losses might come from providing insufficient or low-quality feed for the cows/buffaloes. To prevent the spread of sickness and infection, you must take special care to keep the animals’ living conditions clean and sanitary.

How to market the dairy farming business in India?

The start of your dairy business can be successful if you consider promoting it. You must inform your potential clients about the milk and products you’ll be offering. Success in this industry is challenging due to the abundance of rival companies. You should advertise your business online and offline at the outset to bring in consumers and then work toward steadily expanding your customers.

How to start a dairy farm business in India?

Start with formulating a business plan for your dairy farm business.

To start a successful dairy business, one must create a comprehensive strategy. While developing a strategy, there are many things to consider, but the market’s needs should be your priority. Researching the region’s demographics where you want to open a dairy farm can help you better tailor your products and services to residents. Geography, household kinds, income, culture, etc., determine variables.

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The following options are recommended for your physical strategy: Livestock, such as cows, buffalo, goats, etc., are desirable livestock. Multiples of 10 and 15 and 20 and so on for the number of animals. Choose whatever facilities (milking, winter, housing, etc.) to include. The business’s mission and focus include whether milk is the sole product sold or whether other milk products, like curd, ghee, etc., are also offered.

You should know the purpose of your firm, the targeted profit, and the development you want to attain. The size and reach of your business. Establishing a dairy company has a variety of costs and expenses, the whole of which may be estimated by determining the scale and scope of the enterprise. You should design your business strategy after carefully contemplating the commitment and difficulties involved in running a milk farm.

Choose an ideal location 

A dairy house should be elevated relative to its surroundings for optimal drainage of rainwater and dairy waste. It is more efficient and cost-effective to construct on a flat surface. Avoid low areas, depressions, and closeness to smelly locations. Dairy buildings should be sited so that they get the most sunlight from the north and the least sunlight from the south and are shielded from the prevailing hot or cold winds. The cattle shed’s platforms, gutters, and managers must be in sight of southerly sunshine.

To get the most out of the sun, dairy barns should be oriented such that their long axis runs north to south. Water that is abundant, pure, and soft should be reasonably priced. Only in places where the owner can make a steady profit from the sale of his dairy products should dairy buildings be constructed. He has to meet the farm’s demands quickly and affordably. The most important and hygienic way to light a dairy is by using electricity. A modern dairy needs a constant power supply for its electrical equipment to operate efficiently.

Construction of the dairy shed

It’s essential to put up a boundary wall around the whole shed. The three-dimensional perspective of the structure’s height, with a manager and other features visible from one side. Every buffalo must have at least 2 1/2 feet of manger space available in the feeding area. Ten candles should be spaced evenly along the “broad watering hole that constantly refills with fresh, uncontaminated water. The water trough you’ve built will also help you save on feed by reducing waste.

Bricks laid at a slight incline should be used to pave the floor of the 5′ broad area beneath the shelter’s roof, which is where the manager will be located. After that, a 40′ x 35′ unpaved open space should be enclosed by a 5-foot wall with a single gate. When grazing in the shadow, animals should turn their heads to the north. When winter winds blow, the animals instinctively hunker down against the walls for warmth and shelter.

A completely covered shelter, “10’x15′, will be built off one side of the main cattle shed to house newborn calves. In extreme weather, a calving enclosure inside one of these buildings may be a lifesaver. A 20′ x 10′ fenced-in open space beyond this shelter is necessary for calves to roam freely. In this case, 50′ x 50′ is required to house 20 mature cows/buffaloes and their attendants in calf and cattle shelters. Even if one just has the money to construct a simple Katcha or semikatcha wall around his property, he should still use a cement feeding and watering trough.

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Buffalo Farming
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Choose your dairy animals 

Buffalo varieties like the Murrah and Mehsana in India are well-suited to industrial dairy operations. Buffalo milk is in greater demand than cow milk for the production of butter and butter oil (Ghee) because the fat content of buffalo milk is higher than that of cow milk. Tea is a popular drink across India, and buffalo milk is recommended for producing this beverage.

There is an opportunity to save money on feed by keeping buffaloes on fibrous agricultural wastes. Most buffaloes don’t start having babies until they’re 16 or 17 months old. Male calves often are only worth a little. Buffaloes require some cooling facility, such as a wallowing tank or showers/foggers with fans.

Maintaining your dairy farm clean is crucial

Cleaning an animal house is as simple as turning on the faucet, removing and disposing of all of the manure and old straw bedding, and installing a drainage system so that all of the liquid waste and urine can be carried away from the building. Insects can be kept at bay by clearing off the leftover feed and fodder from the manager daily. Algae, bacteria, and virus contamination may threaten an animal’s health, but regular water changes solve the problem.

Dairy farm facilities must be kept clean to eliminate any disease-causing germs. Milk produced in a dirty environment is more prone to spread infections that harm human health, and its shelf life is shortened. A home with dry flooring is safer for visitors’ feet and easier to clean. The presence of flies and other insects at a dairy farm annoys the animals and transfers dangerous diseases to the animals’ offspring.

Most disease-causing organisms are killed by sunlight, making it the most effective disinfectant. Disinfecting animal pens involves using chemical agents such as bleaching powder, washing soda, slaked lime (calcium hydroxide), iodine and iodophors, sodium carbonate, quick lime (calcium oxide), and phenol to remove disease-causing germs.

Use insecticides to destroy pests

People employ insecticides, which are specific chemicals or mixtures to destroy insects. Ticks on dairy farms often conceal themselves in gaps and nooks along walls and manure troughs. Insecticide spraying now requires just a fraction of the volume of previous methods. Popular pesticides include DDT, Gramaxane wettable powders, malathion, and Sevin 50% emulsifying concentration solutions, and they may be sprayed with a strong sprayer, hand sprayer, sponge, or brush. These are very toxic and must be handled with extreme caution. They must not come into touch with any kind of food, drink, water, milk, etc.

How to clean your dairy farm?

Utilizing the shovel and basket (iron), collect the excrement from the floor and urine channel, and place it in the wheelbarrow. Like old bedding, remnants in the managers should be removed. The water trough should be emptied and cleaned using a brush to scrape the sides and bottom. Once every week, fill the water trough with clean water and whitewash it using the lime mixture. Use a broom and brush to scrape the floor, then mop and rinse. Disinfect the walls, railing, and stanchions where excrement has splashed.

Use a wall brush to remove the cobwebs regularly. Spray the area with a disinfectant of your choice at the following dilution. The ideal amount of accessible chlorine in bleach is above 30%. A 1%-2% phenolic acid solution. Soda for cleaning (a 4% solution). Sunlight is essential, so make sure the shed gets enough of it. Insecticides should be sprayed often, particularly during the wetter months (Fly season). Kill ticks and mites hiding in wall dings and crevices by using an insecticide-laced whitewash once in a while.

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Dairy Farming
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Buffalo dairy farming project report

Type of animalsMurrah breed buffaloes
Number of animals10
Cost per each animal (in rupees)60,000
Average milk yield/day/per buffalo15 (average)
The selling price of milk/liter (in rupees)15
Culled value per buffalo (in rupees)5,000
Interest rate10%
Loan repayment years5
Floor space (sqft) per adult animal50
Floor space (sqft) per calf20
Cost of construction per sqft (Rs.)120
Cost of concentrate feed (Rs./kg)12
Cost of dry fodder (Rs./kg)2
Cost of green fodder (Rs./kg)1
Laborers required1
Salary of laborer per month (Rs.)8,000
Lactation days270
Dry days150

The one-time capital cost of the buffalo dairy farm venture

Elements Cost (in INR)
Construction of shed
(1,500 sq ft)
Cost of animals6,00,000
Transportation cost 20,000
Cost of chaff cutter
and equipment 
Total one-time investment 8,60,000

Feeding chart of Buffaloes

Type of feedLactationDry
Price (Rs)Qty(kg)Cost per day (Rs)Qty(kg)Cost per day (Rs)
Concentrate feed10550220
Green fodder120202020
Dry fodder236510

Running investment cost of buffalo dairy farm venture.

Particulars Cost (in INR)
Total feeding cost per year2,65,100
Electricity 2,000
Cleaning and labor12,000
Total 2,79,100

Bank loan, subsidy, and margin details of buffalo dairy farm venture

Particulars Cost (in INR)
One time capital 8,60,000
Running capital 2,79,100
Total 11,39,200
Subsidy (25%)2,84,800
Investment after cutting off the subsidy8,54,400
Margin (25%)2,13,600
Bank loan 6,40,800

Income details of buffalo dairy farm venture

Particulars  Cost (in INR)
From the sale of Milk per year6,07,500
From the sale of manure per year7,000
Total income per year6,14,500
Income after erasing the margin (1st year)4,00,900
Income from the second year onwards3,35,400

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Loan repayment schedule 

Year Loan OutstandingGross SurplusInterestPrincipalTotal RepaymentSurplus

Profit when the number of Buffaloes taken into account

No of buffaloesProfit 1st yearProfit 2nd yearProfit 3rd yearProfit 4th yearProfit 5th yearProfit 6th year onwards
10 2,08,6601,55,9761,68,7921,81,6081,94,4243,35,400


Based on the data presented above, we can conclude that owning a dairy farm is an enterprise that will be successful over the long term despite the considerable initial investment and ongoing expenditures required.

Note: The above analysis doesn’t project any accurate financial deductions and is only meant for overall understanding. The prices of various particulars shown above can fluctuate depending on market prices.


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