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Earn Money with Fish Farming, Cost to Start

Introduction to earn money with fish farming business: Fish farming business is the present booming business in India, where you can earn good amount of profits by taking few precautions.

A guide to earn money with fish farming business in India

Steps involved to initiate a fish farming business in India are summarized below-

  1. Construction of fish culture pond

For the building of the fish culture pond, you have to choose the land-based on the following factors. These include-

  • Choose the land that has more water-holding capability.
  • The soil pH must not be acidic or alkaline, it is preferred to have neutral pH.
  • Choose the land which is located in low lying areas.
  • Make sure that the land that is selected is having adequate water supply.
  • While building the pond it must have proper inlets and outlets.
  • The area must be far from flood affected area.
  • The soil and water must have slit 20%, sand 40%, organic carbon 0.5-2.0%, clay 40%, nitrogen content should be 20-75 mg and the phosphorous content must be 2-10 mg as permissible parameters.
  • The water must have a light green color, its temperature must be around 25-30 °C, the transparency should be 30-40cm, the pH must be maintained by 7.0 to 8.0.
  • The DO levels must be 4-10mg/lt, total alkalinity should be maintained between 60-230 mg/lt, the carbon dioxide level should be 3 – 7 mg/lt , the total nitrogen level must be 0.05-1.5 mg/lt, phosphorous content should be 0.05-7 mg/lt, ammonium content must be 0-0.1 ppm, chlorine content should be lower than 0.003, calcium levels must be around 75-150 ppm, and the dissolved solids should be lower than 80 ppm.
  1. Farming systems used to earn money with fish farming

This will be based on the diversity of fishes that you choose to grow for commercial purposes.

The diverse kinds of farming systems include the following-

  • Cage farming system

This structure prevents problems like over breeding and the benefit is that the farmers need not own any water body.

  • Land-based systems

It includes the structures like intensive tanks, ponds, where you need to build them with suitable water connection accessibility along with proper outlets and inlets.

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Land based fish farming.
Land based fish farming.
  1. Matching the guidelines of the steering committee of fisheries agriculture

These are laid based on the Ministry of Agriculture where detailed inspections will be carried out in all fish farming cultures. For inspecting the production and quality. Thus it is essential to follow these rules.

  1. Culture systems and practices to earn money with fish farming

This comprises the steps and procedures such as the location of the farmland, registration, type and culture intensity, species, area of culture systems, stocking intensity, size of the seed to be stocked and the bio-security levels.

  1. Establishment of hatcheries

The entrepreneurs or the farmers or who are interested to start the fish hatcheries should get approval and consent from the steering committee.

  1. Record keeping

Proper account management must be there year basis and day to day management of the farm especially information about the inputs, farm stocking, source of seed from where you got, health growth of fishes, sampling details, etc.

  1. Harvesting of fishes

Before harvesting feeding must not be provided to the fishes, i.e., you must stop the feeding for fishes before two days. Harvesting must be done using drag nets and you may use different harvesting methods as well.

  1. Evaluation of the impact assessment of the harvested fishes

It is essential to assess and evaluate by following some procedures such as awareness programs of fisheries and joining the training, effect of escapes on the ecosystem and the adjustments made by species to get adapted to the ecosystem and environment.

The other technical proposals include fertilization of ponds, in order to raise the nutrient status of the soils inside the pond. Improving feed types like pellet feed with greater than 20% of the protein. Feeds must be stored near the farm in an open space along the wooden platforms avoiding the mold formations. It is essential that you must use the feed within 3 months.

Post harvesting of fishes must be instantly iced and transported to other places.

Major requirements to get a license for fish farming business

These include the following things-

  • Identification of land that you are planning to start the fish farm.
  • Formulation of the project such as plan documents and general approximation, bank loan papers in case you took any loan on the land.
  • You must have attended training in the fish farming business.
  • Building of pond with accurate inlets and outlets.
  • Stocking administration which comprises growth of plankton, liming, filling of water, manuring, seed stocking, etc.
  • Soil and Water analysis documents.
  • Trail netting and partial harvesting,
  • Fish feed and management.
  • Methods to develop farm management
  • Costs associated with fish farming.

Application to be filled to get the fish farming registration 

For getting registration to begin the fish farming business, you must have the culture aspects as per the guidelines of the fisheries act. This includes-

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  • You must pay the fee of Rs.200 per acre of land for application as service charges and as user charges of about Rs. 100/-

The documents that are needed for this application is-

  1. Application form for fishing farm business
  2. Land documents, pattadhar passbook
  3. FMB of the pond that was chosen to begin the fish farming business
  4. Pond sketch specifying about the construction
  5. Village map elucidating the distance where the farm is located.
  6. The other papers needed if any.

Application form for farm mechanization

Farm mechanization application request can be applied to the person who is planning to begin a fish farming business. The documents needed for applying this is-

  1. Application form for fish farming
  2. Proposal form MAO regarding the fish farming business.
  3. Proof documents
  4. The person photo
  5. Person’s identity proof

It is mandatory to submit these documents. The application can be obtained from Meeseva centers.

Encumbrance certificate application form

This form can be obtained from nearby MeeSeva centers and can be applied there only. These application forms will be checked by the SRO and will be handled further.

A provisional application for fish farming business

Fish farming business must be maintained at precise conditions and hence require entire permissions and get the license service as per the guidelines of fisheries act. This comprises-

This is the last registration which must apply for starting a fish farming business.

These include –

The Service charges of Rs. 200/- is charged per acre and the user charges are about Rs. 35/-

The documents needed for this are –

  1. Application form for fish farming business
  2. Pattadhar passbook or ROR with land lease deed
  3. FMB of the proposed pond to begin the fish farming business
  4. Sketch of the pond planning to build the farm business with the appropriate inlets and outlets.
  5. Village map in which you are planning to set up the fish farm.
  6. Notice on the GP notice board for particular needs to initiate the fish farming business.
  7. NOC from the neighboring farm if the place is in close proximity to other farms.
  8. Aadhar card scan copy of the ownership right in leasehold.

Final registration of fish farming business

This depends on the variety of fish farming whether it is saltwater or freshwater farming. It can be determined based on the types of fishes you choose to farm. This license must be obtained because to confirm the culture aspects as per the rules of the fisheries act. For this, you must apply this form, where you have to submit the below papers to get this registration-

  1. Application form for fish farming business
  2. Pattadhar passbook or ROR with land lease deed
  3. FMB of the proposed pond to start the fish farming business
  4. Sketch of the pond planning to begin the farm business along with the appropriate inlets and outlets.
  5. Village map in which you are preparing to build the fish farm.
  6. Notice on the GP notice board for specific requirements to initiate the fish farming business.
  7. NOC from the neighboring farm if the place is in close proximity to other farms.
  8. Aadhar card scan copy of the ownership right in leasehold.
  9. Pond certificate of the 80% of the place that you have established the fish farm.
  10. Walta ACT2002 affidavit must be submitted

These papers indicate organized culturing and fish farming.

Cost to start a fish farming business in India

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Cost to start a fish farming.
Cost to start a fish farming.

The cost of constructing of pond, water supply channel, installation of tube-well is Rs. 25,000

The cost for renovation/lease amount is Rs. 20,000

The charges forelectricity andwater charges Rs. 20,000

The cost of 250kg of small lime is Rs. 2,000.

The cost of 20,000 fish seeds is Rs.2,000.

The cost oforganic fertilizer is Rs. 10,000.

The cost of inorganic fertilizer is Rs. 5,000.

The costs involved formedicine, fishing net and others Rs. 11,000.

The fish feed cost is Rs. 40,000.

Total costs involved to start a fish farming businessis Rs. 1,35,000.

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