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How to Make Money by Selling Website Domains?

Want to earn good profits by starting a simple business. Here is a great idea to make a good amount. You know buying and selling domains is a great business idea to make profits. You can simply sit at home and make a reasonable amount. For this, you need to just be online and should be smart. Let’s check out how to make money by selling website domains.

How to Make Money by Selling Website Domains
Image Source: Pixabay

It’s probably familiar to you that people buy and “flip” real estate. An investment property is bought for a relatively low price, slightly fixed up, and resold for a nice profit. Domain flipping and buying follow the same principle. It does not matter if you own your own domain or whether you are looking to purchase sites and flip them; the flipping of domains is a great way to make money online, regardless of whether you own the domain.

For any website to host, you need a domain. There are providers like GoDaddy from where anyone can buy the domain. You can select a few domains which could get popular at a later point and buy them for lesser prices first hand. People, when in need, will bid for the same domain. You can select the highest bid, which is giving enough profit, and sell it to them.

For buying and selling domains, GoDaddy and Flippa are good marketplaces. Yes, of course, it’s a great business idea. But you have to be careful while doing this business. If you are new to starting this, then you need to go through the below checkpoints.

  • Know the best places to buy the domains
  • Where to sell the domains
  • How to transfer the domain to a buyer
  • How to decide the price to sell the domains
  • How to deal with trademark issues while buying and selling the domains

Before getting started, you need to have a low upfront while investing in buying and selling the domains. You might have heard a few things that many of them has purchased domains at a very low price some years ago and sold them for lakhs of rupees. Unable to believe this right. Yes, it is true. You can also be one among them. You just need to have patience, think that it is an investment, and sell it at the right time. So, for this, you need to have proper planning and need to follow tips to make your business the most profitable one.

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Website Domains
Image Source: Pixabay

Top tips for buying and selling domains

You need to travel in the right direction while buying and selling the domain names to see good profits.

  • Limit your focus
  • Go for the domain names which have great value in the market
  • Check for the availability
  • Evaluate the price
  • Post your domains to the public to buy

Ways to make money by selling website domains

There are many ways to do this and make a good amount of money. Many of the standard registrars, for example, do this through auction. But there are few specialized websites that are designed for only buying and selling domain names. Holding domains to make a great sale is a good way to make money from potential buyers.

If you can buy a domain name that has popular keyword touch, then likely you are more into profits. You can make use of keyword tools to find the most searched keywords. For instance, the keyword bucks bunny is searched 50,000 times, and then you can make a note of whether this keyword can determine various searches by determining the URLs with those words included. Then you can easily go for it as it brings many of the buyers in front of you to avail of it.

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Keyword search 
Image Source: Pixabay

Set price

Setting the price for a domain is also a preferred method for domain sellers because they will have a huge portfolio and will not be in a rush to sell them.


Through auctions, you can make a good amount of money because they will just end up with large amounts of possible price, which will be definitely higher than the amount which you spent on it.

Make an offer

It is really a great offer for sales that will suit niche domains. But most of them do not know the actual price; hence they may not have a lot of interest.

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Website Domain
Image Source: Pixabay

Risks involved in this business

As you can clearly make out that there are literally few risks in this business. But you have to manage them smartly. For this, you need to carefully consider a few risks such as liquidity, subjectivity, and legality. Apart from these, there are many misleading appraisals that make faulty deed payments. So the buyers should take careful steps before investing in buying the domain names.


See, when you invest in the domain name, you need to have a little patience because these are not sold by brokers. Domain names are a little harder to sell, and you need to wait for the right time to sell. You need to find the right buyer where it takes lots of time, in a few cases, it may also get a sale after months or even years later. This clearly means that your cash will be stuck as it has a lengthy time horizon to process.


Domains are subjective valuation which is very difficult to point out. Hence it is hard to realize the lofty evaluations for domain appraisers.

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Search Domain Names
Image Source: Pixabay


The domain names buying and selling can be a sticky business from a legal point of view. If you choose names that are very close to trademarked ones you will get into trouble due to a lawsuit. You might also receive a court order to set the domain name for free. A few times, stolen domain names can be sold before the buyer discovers that they are not the true owners of the domain.

Final words

Yes, every business has its own risk factors. However, if you are a diligent investor who can balance the risks and returns, then you can go for this business as it yields high income in one shot. This is really a unique way to diversify the portfolio of investments.


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